Monday, September 8, 2008


Damned! It has been two days since I finished my last pill of escitalopram...suffering from serotonin functional deficiency now...altered personalities, clouded judgement, named it...but, I don't know how to describe this feeling. High? Maybe...high because I'm testing myself with abrupt withdrawal of escitalopram which my shrink warned me about all the potential adverse drug effects...God knows what's gonna happen to me next.

By the way, I also got another high from reading lung carcinoma while a smouldering cigarrete in my! I was like looking into what's gonna happen in my lung...even to the level of cellular or molecular (genetic lesions) level! It's a gift to know how I'm going to die in future...don't ya think so?


Anonymous said...

if a girl dumps u just coz u cant afford ex gifts, i think u shld thank god.u really want such a bai4 jing1 zhu3 yi4 zhe3?

y cant replenish ur SSRs?=(

dont smoke la zhi hao.

reno_hao said...

I duno y use the inguinal region as thinking, I guess my sexual deception clouded my judgement, which was worsen by my incompliance on escitalopram.

I think I'll go hosp 2 refill nxt week if possible lah...kinda busy v dick n pussy (currently on urinary system)

well, the whole world has been telling the 40% of world population smokers dun smoke...but there's a reason y prevalence of lung cancer is maintained: nicotine addiction. I will try 2 cut down if unncessary lah...thx oh! =)