Tuesday, July 29, 2008

I hate drugs!

I hate drugs! Why can't those drugs just have some pretty names, instead of propanolol, atenolol, hydrochlorothiazides bla bla blah.... Pharmacology are apparently abusing the chemistry where they call a substance which already have a readily undertandable chemical names into some bullshit noun...and the pharmaceutial company did more abuse by patenting thier names... generic names, street names bla bla blah...

Really headache!

Plus, you always can guess how pharmaco lectures are going to be carried out. Usually start with normal pathway, then classification, proceed to each class; next, pharmacokinetics, pharmacodynamics, mechanism of action, clinical usage, adverse drug effects bla bla bla....boring! okay, it never stops here: they pharmacology books is going to make things more complicated by mentioning some rare or unsettled things about the drugs...because the pharmaceutial company keep on inventing new drugs and so on....

Nevertheless, we, as medical students still have to learn that...I wonder how docs know the dosage and indication of every drugs... long way to go...

29 Jul 2008 19:53
having angina pectoris trying to digest antianginal drugs...

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