Saturday, October 25, 2008

Wisdom in one night

Bhaddekaratte (Pali wisdom in one night). That's the name my master gave me when I was a novice. It was originally the name from a sutta, with a quote like this:

You shall not chase after the past or place expectation on the future
The past is left behind
The future is as yet unreached
Whatever present, you clearly see
right there, right there
Not taken in, unshaken

It is an idea which develop from the Buddha's teaching: nonself. There is no self, or there's no me. The self didn't exists. With no self, there's no feeling, no future, no past. I'm just a coumpound of chemical compositions, using the eyes of this body to look things in presence. There's no neceesary to distinguish who is me among people around me. Because whatever I do, I'll die one day.

This is a little hard to digest for me at first. But, recently, recovering from my massive depression attack, I seem to appreciate this more...give up or not give up. I don't have to decide. Because everything is determined by kamma...I just have to observe what I'm doing right now, without myu minds thinking of competing or passing exams...just be mindfull.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

wisdom in one night, or, one change of mindset indeed=)